Annual Feng Shui Course

Get Fast Results & Positive Results using Flying Star Feng Shui for Your Office and Home!
You may have
just come out of a painful year or have suffered financial losses.
Although your destiny may have contributed to this, our house or office
feng shui does play a part in it.
recent years feng shui has become increasingly popular and the reason
is simple – it works! It is a living skill that has the power and
ability to make your life more pleasant. Masters of feng shui in Hong
Kong, China, Singapore, Taiwan and Malaysia today use compass-based
house charts in their professional investigation of houses and
apartments because formula generated charts reveal the energy quality of
the rooms, which makes them easier to work on. You can learn this too.
When you know how to read the charts, you can easily activate and
enhance the luck of your living and work spaces.
But here’s the real secret. What all feng shui masters know is the important fact that energy is not static and it is constantly changing over time. This affects the luck essence and quality of the energies in your living and workspaces. There is a time dimension to analyzing the energies using feng shui formulas and these have to do with mapping out the changing annual energy patterns from period to period and year to year. This is what is called XUAN KONG FLYING STAR FENG SHUI.
At first Flying Star may seem complex, but in reality it is quite easy. It is basically the interpretation of numbers and their meanings. You see the time dimension reflects the basic fundamentals of Chinese numerology… and the main tool in the formulation and understanding is the original Lo Shu Square.
In the old days feng shui lineage texts that contained these formulas were too complex for those with no prior knowledge of feng shui. It was often written in code using words and terminology that even modern Chinese readers would have difficulty understanding. I have simplified these principles for you in my NEW course.
Anyone Can Learn This…With Guidance from our GrandMasters, I have benefited from this Powerful Feng Shui Method & so can You!
What I have learned over the years about teaching feng shui is that anyone can learn it…and it doesn’t have to be complicated – but you do have to get it right! You don’t need to be an expert in Flying Stars or know how to speak and read Chinese to have it work for you! With our Lineage background, the method is a proven!
The way I have designed and teach my online courses is different… I make things quite simple and easy to understand. I use case studies frequently… a methodology that I learned during my years of teaching junior as well as senior practitioners. These real life examples allow you to practice your analytical skills.
I believe in simplifying Flying Star Feng Shui so that this valuable method of analysis is accessible to anyone and everyone!
Syllabus or what you will learn?
You learn not only on how to tap the best energies for the Year and Month you will also learn how to predict the outcomes. On top of all these, you will learn how to plan ahead to avoid the destructive energies even though you may not know date selection.We will cover, taking direction with compass, determining facing for various types of building, how to manage both the good and inauspicious energies by managing the Annual & Monthly Energies and Date Selections.
If we are afflicted with Bad Energies, how do we minimise it, what is the correct way? This is what David from Perth had to say "Knowing what is the best remedy for the different type of Sha is great, now that I understand why the Salt water cure did not work when the Annual 5 came".
✔ Makes the learning of Flying Star easy to apply for any living situation. I will show you how to apply these techniques to your homes and business establishments for fast and effective results.
✔ This course is designed to simplify complicated feng shui principles and makes them easy to understand. I have cut out the core and intricacy of flying star feng shui for it to work – just what you need to know and do to get started.
✔ This is a “hands on” and user-friendly course. You’ll love the step-by-step learning style that I have designed throughout the experiences I have gain in coaching students in my years of teaching feng shui.
You will think about your living space and work space in new ways knowing that your goal is always to create spaces that you feel comfortable in and that can attract good energy every year. You will know how to do this WITH CONFIDENCE!
Over time, your life will get better and better, just as mine has. This is what happens and it’s part of the process of transformation once you obtain this particular set of feng shui skills. You will see a rise in asset wealth and improved relationship with family and friends.
Sign Up Now for this Introductory Price of RM1,400 for an extended day of Intensive knowledge that will change your life Forever! Early Birds who registers before 1 August only RM1,128 + Complimentary Calendar.
Time: 10:00 - 17:00 / 10:00-12:30
Venue: Subang Square, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.